Peer Mentors
Helping Each Other
For cancer patients and caregivers going through their cancer journey, our Peer Mentor Program, in partnership with Imerman Angels, will connect those interested with mentors for more one-on-one support.

How We Help Cancer Fighters & Survivors
Through the personalized and confidential matching process, cancer fighters are connected with someone who has experienced a similar cancer situation (a mentor).
While each cancer experience is unique, our trained mentors can be matched by similar age, gender, and cancer type, giving fighters the chance to ask personal questions and receive support from a peer who is truly familiar with the situation.

How We Help Cancer Caregivers
Frequently, caregivers experience feelings similar to those of the person facing cancer. Imerman connects those caring for or grieving the loss of a loved one with a Caregiver Mentor who can help provide support and comfort throughout the journey.
A loved one may be a family member (such as a child, parent, spouse, sibling or grandparent) or friend who has cared for someone with cancer.
Get Support in Six Easy Steps
Request a registration form by emailing to request a registration form.
In one business day, Imerman Angels will be in touch. One of Imerman’s staff members will call to discuss your experience and assess your needs.
Imerman will find and introduce you to a mentor. Our goal is to find your Mentor within 3-5 business days, but special cases may take a little more time.
Make a connection with someone who understands. Your Mentor can answer a few questions or remain available throughout your journey — it’s up to you!
Imerman will follow up in three weeks but, if your mentoring needs change and/or you need additional support please contact us.
You’re never on your own.
If you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us at 1-888-220-2214 or email us at
Email Our Peer Mentor Team