Our Center
Transforming Cancer Care in Hampton Roads
We know that to be the best for our patients, members and communities, we can’t do it alone.

A Collaborative Hub for Healing
Sentara Brock Cancer Center is the regional hub for cancer care. The Center is built to support multidisciplinary collaboration between Sentara, Sentara Medical Group and our medical partners – Virginia Oncology Associates, Eastern Virginia Medical School and other community providers and service organizations. Together we work to improve education, expand access to resources, reduce suffering and change the way we prevent, diagnosis and care for cancer today and into the future.

Our Promise
At the Sentara Brock Cancer Center, we keep our patients at the center of all that we do, and it’s important to us that our patients and their caregivers feel supported throughout their journey. We are listening, and we are designing an experience that treats the cancer while nurturing the soul. From screening, to diagnosis, to treatment, to life beyond cancer, we will provide our patients with personalized services every step of the way to ensure they have all of the support and services they need.
Your Connection to the Broader Sentara Cancer Network
The Sentara Cancer Network is already something our communities can be proud of, and we are honored every day as patients put their trust in us. We will continue to provide cancer care at existing Hampton Roads locations, many of which have adopted multidisciplinary care models, and these locations will continue to be strong assets for their communities. The Sentara Brock Cancer Center is the regional hub of our Sentara Cancer Network. You can have confidence that you will be connected to the broader network of highly-skilled physicians and specialists working to use advanced technology and treatment to better understand cancer, detect it earlier and treat the disease more effectively. At its simplest, the Sentara Brock Cancer Center is a renewed promise. A promise to be a true community resource: a source of support, education, hope, exceptional care, and innovation.