Sentara Supportive Care Services

Care Meets Compassion

Supportive Care Services is a medical specialty in an outpatient setting that focuses on improving quality of life for patients experiencing a serious illness. Our team can help with physical symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, tiredness, and depression as well as provide emotional support to you and your family.

nurse helping patient at home

How Supportive Care Differs From Hospice Care

Supportive Care Services is available to you at any time during your illness and does not depend upon whether or not your condition can be cured.

Hospice, on the other hand, is a care plan that focuses on quality of life and liberal symptom management. Hospice Care is a valuable part of medical care for patients who are approaching end of life or who wish to focus on symptom management only.

Get In Touch

Call the office at 757-624-0300 to learn more about in-person, as well as telehealth options to connect with our team.


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.



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